Magnetic Sponsoring Review – Mike Dillard’s Attraction Marketing Course Review


Mike Dillard is known for beginning the idea of attraction marketing. When Mike first got started in the MLM industry, he struggled for years. He had a difficult time sponsoring people into his business using the old school methods of marketing which includes writing a list of all your friends and family members, buying and cold calling leads, pestering people at the grocery store, etc. Mike knew that there was a much of recruiting people into his MLM business.

Mike Dillard wanted to get to the point where he had at least five people contact him a day. He said that if five people contacted him each day, it would be cake walk. So he went through years trying to figure out how to do that and eventually came up with a course called Magnetic Sponsoring. He originally gave it to his downline. He made a lot of money using the marketing methods in Magnetic Sponsoring and later released the book to the general public.

Magnetic Sponsoring is an eBook that teaches network marketers about the concepts of attraction marketing and lead generation. In Magnetic Sponsoring you will learn the reasons for promoting yourself first, your marketing system second and your primary opportunity third.

Mike Dillard emphasizes in Magnetic Sponsoring that the only people who will make it big in this industry are leaders. People move towards others who show leadership qualities and have a high level of personal value. If you want to make it big in MLM or anything else in life, you will need to learn how to convey those qualities and eventually become a leader and provide value for others. Leadership is a trait that you can work on over time.

You can develop your leadership traits by providing more value to the network marketing industry. The more valuable you become, the more other people will want to do business with you. Mike Dillard explains that you can increase your value to the market place by investing in your education. In the course he explains that it is important to invest as much as you can on information courses and books that relate to marketing and personal development. The more knowledge you gain, the more value you will bring to the market place.

Furthermore, Mike Dillard explains that your business has nothing to do with your primary mlm. Network marketing is not about you being here to sell goods and services and getting people into your business. It’s about marketing. You need to know how to market the product to the right people. Therefore, the product is the marketing system you use and the people that come out the other side as customers and leaders. You sell a marketing system to distributors and the marketing system sells your company’s goods and services.

Most (about 97 percent) of the people in network marketing sell products and try to convince other people to buy them, while the other three percent market solutions and expertise which brings people to them. This is a people business. The more you learn about people the more successful you will be.

Magnetic Sponsoring is a course that you must purchase if you want to be successful in the industry. It will teach you what you need to do to position yourself as an expert and how to grow your network marketing business.


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