Category: Health

Statutes in U.S. Healthcare System

The healthcare field is the subject of a host of federal statutes, regulations, guidelines, interpretive information, and model guidance. There are a considerable number of statutes and regulations that have an impact on...

The Health Benefits of Eating Kale

As one of the most prominent leafy vegetables in Europe, kale is a wondrous raw food with a plethora of redeeming qualities. Featured in many famous dishes from Africa, Ireland, Asia, the Netherlands,...

Travel Masturbation: Rules of the Road

There’s nothing like a little travel to expand a person’s horizons. Of course, when traveling alone, many a man finds himself at one point or another alone in a hotel room and engaging...

Masturbation Tips: Getting Out of a Rut

Because masturbation is one of the easiest ways a man has to entertain himself, it’s something they tend to do on a regular basis. Many men have absolutely no problem with their masturbation...

Components of a Complete Health Assessment

A complete and holistic health assessment includes the: health history physical, psychological, social and spiritual assessment consideration of laboratory and diagnostic test results review of other available health information. First impressions Assessment begins...