Category: Shopping

Teenagers – Inside the Teenage Brain

Recent research on the human brain provides parents with shocking new evidence to possibly explain the sometimes irrational, illogical and impulsive behavior of teenagers. Brain researchers can now scan the live teenage brain...

Menopause the Musical – Our Guide

Times have changed considerably. Twenty or thirty years ago the menopause was a tabu subject and women did not have all this free access to information so they can know what to prepare...

Tips for Holiday Travel With Your Pet

Most people travel for their holiday celebrations and they usually take their family with them. There are some that just can’t live without their pets as well. If you intend to travel with...

The Dangerous World of Regency London

Regency England refers roughly to 1811 to 1820, although the term more broadly includes 1800 to 1830. When George III, stricken by illness, could no longer function, his eldest son, the Prince, became...