Network Marketing Offline

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Can Network Marketing be done solely offline? Well, yes and no. Most Network Marketing companies have online systems or membership areas where you must login to run your business. To enroll people, check commissions, check your downline etc.

That's all done online but that's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about building a business offline. A better question would be, can you build a multimillion dollar team using offline marketing only.

The honest truth is yes. The biggest teams in Network Marketing have all been built through offline marketing. It's only the new companies that try teach their reps how to sponsor and generate leads online. Online marketing is not easy and not everyone can do it. That's why you would be crazy to only teach your reps online marketing. But at the same time you can not teach them only offline marketing. You need to mix them both up.

Online marketing is fun, but you can not exactly grow a billion dollar team with only online marketing. Some people spend months to years before they see any results online, it's just not fast enough. At the end of the day, what gets results is putting your opportunity or presentation in front of people. There is no easier way to do that than talking to people on the street, handing out CDs, DVDs and more.

So if your looking to grow a big team offline, think about using some online marketing too. There is a lot of money online and why not leverage the Internet to your advantage? Needless to say, you can grow a fast richer team with offline marketing. As long as you have a good recruiting, training and tools system in place, you're set to be a millionaire. It just takes hard work, dedication, and some time.

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